تهنئة عيد ميلاد بالانجليزي للحبيب


تهنئة عيد ميلاد بالانجليزي للحبيب

الاجابة هي

O most precious thing in the universe, your day is the most beautiful and the most beautiful day..O Lord, brings us together around you every day with all expressions of congratulations with all love and aspirations with every sentimental feeling, every holiday and you are fine And precede people and others and kill you every year, and you are fine, Lord, this beloved and his response, so give it to her from all the best. Give him and make her far away rewarding, accompanied by the best of the wilderness. Mabsut I tried to race people and send you with the sunbath diamonds and tell you all Or you okay you Meshaal tenderness and a sense of years passed with all the years and got the sweetest thing about you Lesa them with me..

I pass all the speeders and precede all the well-wishers and say every year and you are fine. Poor phone, its temperature is forty, and it has a knot that reverses the sweet and says them every year. You are kind, I love you, sparring me, believe me, things without what I do not know. A year and you are fine before all people. You have 3 roses: a rose that embraces you, a rose that a flower says to you every year, and you are fine. I say quickly, all of them accept them every year, and you are fine. Like me, the night is more precious to me than all. The sender: One of the future people: I attribute the most precious people. Text: Happy Eid, to all people. Sure, I am the last and you have won me a lot, but it is sure that it tastes dangerous every year, and you are fine.

كلمات لعيد ميلاد الحبيب

I ask God in my time to take my days, and to increase in your time a second life and every year for a thousand good, you have the sincerity of friendliness to you the most beautiful greetings on the day of your holiday I lit candles for your eyes. Between a letter, and a line, the world rejoiced with the most precious human beings. Today there are no two like this, Eid, I have two feasts, my beloved heart, Zain, my most precious of blinking, and the eye, every year and you are a thousand good. I confused your distant, what do I guide you, I give you a rose with fading, I guide you my life to be saved, with your spiritual guideline you live in it with a new age, every year and you are a thousand good. I wish today what ends, and the joy on your face is not absent, today is the day of your birth, my promise, and I am a joyous bird, every year and you are a thousand good. Happy birthday, the most precious thing in the universe. Your day is the most beautiful, and the most beautiful day, O Lord, brings us together around you every day.

عبارات لعيد ميلاد الحبيب

Every year and the world between your hands and laughter, what separates your eyes and a happy birthday to us, and you have a sprinkle of French perfume and a Swiss candy basket and a contract for a gift on the occasion of the sweetest birthday in the world. A beautiful birth on us, and you, my love, today you have increased your age a year, confused and wish to guide you. My life, my heart, and my mind, Zain I can not be happy with you

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